Visiting a Campus
Parents and others are welcome to La Vernia ISD campuses. For the safety and security of those within the school and to avoid disruption of instructional time the following procedures will be followed.
All visitors to the school building must enter via the main entrance and sign-in (see template).
Signs will direct visitors to the front office for check-in.
Students and staff are asked not to open doors for any person at a doorway.
Visitors will be asked to provide a valid, state/federal issued identification card, which will be scanned using our Raptor system, and to identify the purpose for their visit.
If the scan meets school/site criteria, the visitor will be allowed appropriate access after receiving a visitor’s name badge.
The valid state/federal issued identification card will be kept at the front office and returned to the visitor at the completion of their visit at which time they will sign out and return the name badge which will be documented.
Should the visitor refuse to leave a valid, state/federal issued identification card permission to the campus will be denied. Contact administration or the campus safety team should assistance be needed.
All visitors must wear a name badge when they are inside the school.
Law enforcement, first responders or other government personnel on official business should be asked to present their identification similar to other visitors. However, these visitors have an option to show their badge or state-issued identification and bypass Raptor screening.
Visitors attending school functions that are open to the public, such as parent-teacher organization meetings or public gatherings, are not required to sign in at the main office.
Parents or citizens who wish to observe a classroom or meet with a staff member while school is in session are required to arrange such visits in advance with the classroom teacher(s), so that class disruption is kept to a minimum.
Advanced arrangements can include an email, a mailed letter, or a phone call which notifies the school employee of the exact day and time of the visit.
Teachers are expected not to take class time to discuss individual matters with visitors.
School employees who are expecting a visitor must notify the main office staff ahead of the visit.
Any unauthorized person on school property will be reported to the school administration or campus safety team. Unauthorized or disorderly persons will be asked to leave. The police may be called if the situation warrants.
All visitors are expected to abide by the rules for public conduct on school property. If a Visitor fails to abide by these procedures, school rules, and administrative directives, the visitor will be asked to leave the premises or be subject to referral to the authorities and possibly precluded from future visits at the discretion of the principal or a duly authorized administrator.
The Director of Safety and Security is authorized to file a criminal trespassing warning with the La Vernia Police Department, when appropriate or applicable.
While some of these measures may be perceived as creating inconvenience or delay, they are necessary steps to provide the safest and most secure learning environment possible.