Schoolinks - Log In and How To
Schoolinks Intro and General How To Log-In
Schoolinks is a modern College & Career Readiness Platform. Student, parents, counselors and teachers will be able to utilize all of the resources available in Schoolinks to:
Communicate and schedule meetings with your counselors
Choose high school endorsements and graduation plans
Curate and track volunteer hours, awards, test scores & certificates
Choose and submit high school courses
Research college entrance requirements
Research career school and certification requirements
Apply to colleges and request letters of recommendations
Order transcripts
Remain a part of LVHS Alumnae communications
The easiest way for students and teachers to access Schoolinks is through the LVISD Digital Den.
Please be sure to update your Schoolinks account to utilize an email that you will check on a consistent basis.
Schoolinks "How To" in Pictures - Click Here